No Homowo in London this year, we are shielding from Corocoro

Breaking tradition – no Hɔmɔwɔ in London this year! No Homowo in London this year, we are shielding from Corocoro Awo Awo Awoo! Agban Ei, Bleku Tsɔɔ, Esu esu, Enam enam, Manye, Manye, Adiban Kpɔtɔɔ On Christmas Day last year I was challenged by a FACEBOOK friend to render AfehyiaPa in my mother tongue. She […]
Transformation by Marion Kilson

oberserber black, Gadangme, ghana December 7, 2018 0 Minutes Transformation By Marion Kilson Brought from inner sequestration Into a guest-filled yard. Laid upon the ground at twilight; Lifted to the star— Not once but thrice. Distilled drink passes among guests; Each one whispers the name. Each one sips from a coconut. Each one whispers again— Not once but thrice. The […]
Proverbial Gems: Book review of ABETEI – Modern Gadangme Emblems

Proverbial Gems: Book review of ABETEI – Modern Gadangme Emblems oberserber black, culture, Gadangme, Uncategorized June 2, 2018 4 Minutes ABETEI – Modern Gadangme Emblems Created by Ishmael Fiifi Annobil, Totem ISBN 978 1 899151 08 0 2016 Proverbial Gems I have always been fascinated by Adinkra symbols that were popularized by Professor Ablade Glover with the posters that he sold […]
An Introduction – King Tackie Tawiah Memorial Lectures by Nii Armah Josiah Aryeh

King Tackie Tawiah – The Lion of the Coast The reign of Tackie Tawiah I: King of Accra – 1862-1902 with an account of the origin and contribution of the Ga-Dangme and kindred peoples to the history and customary law of Ghana (To be published as History and Constitution of the Gá-Dangme) A Lecture in three […]
Dancing with the Gods: essays on Ga Rituals by Marion Kilson – a book review by Gyau Kumi Adu

Book Review: Dancing with the Gods: essays on Ga Rituals by Marion Kilson (New York: University Press of America, 2013). By Gyau Kumi Adu ( Analysis of Title The book’s central theme is about important discussions on Ga rituals based on case studies she conducted on the Ga people of Ghana. The title “Dancing […]
Kings, Priests, and Kinsmen: Essays on Ga Culture and Society -Book Review: by Gyau Kumi Adu

Book Review: Kings, Priests, and Kinsmen: Essays on Ga Culture and Society, by E. A. Ammah, edited by Marion Kilson (Accra: Sub-Saharan Publishers, 2016). By Gyau Kumi Adu The thesis of the book is to inform readers about the Ga culture and society in general covering the time of the beginning of the Ga […]
The late Nii Armar-Kojo Armar

Akli! and all those terms that easily came from your register – patent, absolutely, bottom line, those emphatic words will not resound any more. You are truly at rest in the bosom of the Lord! Even in your last days when you were ill, very ill, you were still in your early-adopter mode: your aramis, your parker pen set, […]
We are not Jews or descended from Jews. We are Ga!!!

We are not Jews or descended from Jews. We are Ga!!! by Ade Sawyerr London January 2013 Far too many times have I heard the myth repeated that the Ga are descended from Israel and in fact Jews. I have always restrained myself from responding lest I trample on the sensibilities of those who want […]