The State of Race Equality in London – Is the cup half full or is it half empty?
The State of Race Equality in London – Is the cup half full or is it half empty? By Maxine James and Ade Sawyerr of Equinox Consulting Introduction Eight years after the passing of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 and despite several government initiatives at national, regional and local levels, the people of London […]
Integrating equalities – will it ever work for race?
Integrating equalities – will it ever work for race? Eight years after the passage of the Race Relations Amendment Act 2000, most people of African, Caribbean and Asian origin in this country face discrimination on a wide scale and still suffer racial disadvantage in education, housing, health, employment and enterprise. Too many African and Caribbean […]
A new realignment for change in black politics – Opinion
Will Senator Barack Obama win the Democratic Party nomination and go on to become the first black president of the United States of America? Though we do not know the answer now, we know that he has emerged on the political scene as the most prominent of a new breed of black politicians. It does […]