A summer of drifting from COVID to dreadlocks … and back to prayer
AfricaCultureHealthOpinion Black people in the diaspora must be wary of becoming the targets of some of the worst kinds of misinformation, which only divide us Sane Eteshi – Matters Arising A summer of drifting from COVID to dreadlocks … and back to prayer Just when we thought that a final easing of the lockdown would […]
Ubele Case Studies – Impact of COVID19 on Elders – Ade Sawyerr
https://www.ubele.org/covid19-case-studies ‘ I just wonder, how do our children feel in a system where they are detached, where nothing is coming from them and yet they will be the resolution – I guess I have to believe our kids and our young people, will do well’- Ade Sawyerr Name – Jacob Williamson Adeyemi Sawyerr […]
Easing the lockdown in cold(er) climes
https://www.asaaseradio.com/news/world/easing-the-lockdown-in-colder-climes/ Easing the lockdown in cold(er) climes Our correspondent in England looks back to his own connection with Ghana’s electoral history . . . and forward to December Sane Eteshi – Matters Arising I could tell by listening to the BBC today that the ravages of “corocoro” and the lockdown are on a downward spiral. […]