History of GaMashie to 1824: King Tackie Tawiah Memorial Lectures by Nii Armah Josiah-Aryeh
LECTURE VI HISTORY OF THE GA MASHI TO 1824 The death of Okaikoi marked the end of the Ayawaso period; many Gá retired to Anecho or Little Popo (also known by the Gá as Tóng)[1] in present-day Togo, but the bulk of the population resettled or joined kinsmen along the coastal strip. At any […]
History of JamesTown British Accra
By- Nat Nuno-Amarteifio, Former Mayor of Accra , Architect and Historian **This piece was originally posted on this blog under the title ‘the definitive story of JamesTown British Accra. The pictures accompanying the original posting have been changed in this one*** ————————————————————————————- We must begin at the beginning. Carl Reindorf in his history of the Gold […]
The Definitive Story of James Town British Accra by Nat Nuno-Amarteifio
The Definitive Story of James Town British Accra by Nat Nuno-Amarteifio We must begin at the beginning. Carl Reindorf in his history of the Gold Coast and Asante popularized the idea that the Ga originated from ancient Egypt or possibly ancient Israel. Modern historians and archeologists such as Paul Ozame, Irene Odotei, James Anguandah, […]