Why Obama represents a totally new breed of black politicians
Why Obama represents a totally new breed of black politicians BY Ade Sawyer Will Senator Barack Obama win the Democratic Party nomination, and go on to become the first black president of the United States? It does not matter whether he wins or not, because his performance to date in the Democratic primaries has highlighted […]

Business & Finance – 22nd- 28th May 2000 West Africa THE WAY FORWARD Ade Sawyerr continues his look at what African community organisations can do to get their houses in order ANY successful organisation has a strongly developed quality assurance system, a democratic structure, a growing membership and an approach that pursues development projects based […]
The State of Race Equality in London – Is the cup half full or is it half empty?

The State of Race Equality in London – Is the cup half full or is it half empty? By Maxine James and Ade Sawyerr of Equinox Consulting Introduction Eight years after the passing of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 and despite several government initiatives at national, regional and local levels, the people of London […]
Essay: Will I ever join the Labour Party?

Essay: Will I ever join the Labour Party? 23 01 2008 TMP asked Ade Sawyerr what it would take to get him to join the Labour Party. Here he explains what Gordon Brown will need to do to seduce him. What would it take for me to join the Labour Party in the UK? Surprisingly, […]
Why Obama represents a totally new breed of black politicians

Why Obama represents a totally new breed of black politicians BY Ade Sawyer Will Senator Barack Obama win the Democratic Party nomination, and go on to become the first black president of the United States? It does not matter whether he wins or not, because his performance to date in the Democratic primaries has highlighted […]